Friday, January 12, 2007


     Sitting with my sister, exploring the infinite guest books she has to choose from for her wedding, we chat. The big wedding is coming closer and closer as time passes and is a big thrill for the whole Gonzalez family (including my brother). The fitting of tuxedos and the excitment of the party are being mumbled form the near reaches of Tustin to our families in Mexico. My sister and I, smiling and joking with one another, hold a brief moment of bliss, a conversation. Although it was mainly centered on her-women enjoy that-it was still a topic I had much to convey about.
     While her girlishness and my childishness assimilated in her excitment, I could not help but enjoy our talk, centered on life, love, weddings and especially babies (I want her to have some already!). Thinking about it, conversations are, to most people I believe, the basis for enjoyment. Searching through my mind and my past I can confirm that some of the best moments in life was spent in a moment of surreal exchange of thoughts.
     In the beginning of most relationships, basing it mostly on mine, conversation is everything, almost becoming a climax when both of us (me and my ex’s) are entrusted in it, combining each other’s minds in a form of play. I remember hours of talk on the phone, bargaining a witty remark for a laugh, which ultimatly, would lead to my smiling and pleasure.
     Conversation is the welding to any relationships. Those I have (and had) with my friends are just as pleasing, bringing time lapsing moments of congenial fun. Each one adding his or her own spice to the stew, turning to so much more than talk but instead history. It can be so strong that, in some cases, it can make friendships almost unbreakable.
     There are other forms of conversation that one can have, dis-formulating the concept of only two or more people talking. Recently I have had a sudden lust for good books, those that pose exciting questions into our minds. While reading and captivating myself in other's monologs, enthralling my mind as the reader, I have come to have certain conversations with myself (yes I know it sounds mad), concerning different topics. One that a book has recently sent me spiraling is this topic, conversations. Others have sent to explore my freedom and few my very existence. I know that everyone has those secret conversations to themselves and it would be fascinating if I could just listen. Then again, that’s what books are, and my writings.
     What ells is there to say about conversations other than it is one of the fundamental structures of human nature and dare I say nature itself. It brings people close and the lack of it can break them apart. For myself, I can only hope that for the rest of my life I will have someone to hold interesting and fun conversations with, without them I might as well be nothing.

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