Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Appletiny Please

     Being the butcher isn’t what I thought it would be. I must confess that at first I thought the glory and the power would rise above the rest of my co-workers and I would be even more respected and appreciated, but I have come to see life isn’t so. Being in charge of cutting and sending meals to three Jails is a challenging task, which consumes my whole workday without a moments rest. Today was one of those foul days, disregarded by my co-workers as just a simple worker, forgetting the pressure and responsibility that hangs over my shoulders, they bitch. With no one to back me up and no one to blame but my partner (who apparently doesn’t give much of a fuck) and myself I take their snarls and ill words.
    Sometimes I wish work were more like my favorite show, Scrubs. Where in the end everyone gets a drink of beer (maybe even an appletiny, if I’m feeling crazy) and laughs it all off, even when death is involved. In my line of work there is no happy ending but instead cooks get pissed and stop talking to you. Everyone expects perfection of everyone ells but fall short in judging themselves. I do not pretend to be the best at everything but I must admit that I try with all my head, heart, and soul. I come to miss my old co-workers in the main, intent in helping one another and me in completing the day’s work without hesitation.
    There is no use in wishing I was back in my old position of just a cook; now I am the butcher. I took the path the no one dared take and now I realize why, pressure and stress sends you spiraling into solitude, stuck in that cold damp refrigerator with inmates that don’t wish to be there and work with minimal effort. That is my kingdom now, where my actions and work effects the consumption of about six thousand nine hundred inmates. Here I rule and I realize that Scrubs is nothing like the real world, but the real world can be so much better!

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